Globally Competitive
Total Cost door-to-door NVIC can compete directly with foundries from across the globe. Operating equipment that is technically advanced along with continuous efforts to improve our operation allow NVIC to remain competitive and expand our customer base.
North Vernon, Indiana
Plant 1 – 90,500 square foot – output 50,000 ton capacity
Plant 2 – 119,000 square foot – output 50,000 ton capacity
Cullman, Alabama
Cullman Casting (Plant 3) – 115,000 square foot – output 50,000 ton capacity
Consistent Growth
• 1998 – 46 employees – 10,000 ton shipped
• 2001 – 66 employees – 22,000 tons shipped
• 2005 – 230 employees – 80,000 tons shipped
• 2011 – 400 employees – 98,000 tons shipped